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Church Council & Committees

Asbury UM Church Council Chairperson

Carol Plemons

The Church Council is comprised of the Chairpersons from the major committees. It guides and furthers the ministry of our congregation by envisioning and implementing current and future plans to ensure a bright future.


Chairperson: Bill Plemons

The stewards of physical and fiscal resources. Oversees all maintenance, upgrades, and special care for the church building, its associated grounds, and the parsonage. They also manage monetary trust, endowments, and bequests for Asbury.

Finance Committee

Chairs: Rosemary Denesha and Bruce Irwin 

Provides stewardship of all financial resources by creating a plan, strategy, and methods to implement ways to generate resources for missions and ministries. Develop and execute an approved stewardship program and annual budget.

Christian Connections Committee

Chairs: Lindsay Webb & Jean Marshall 

Builds authentic relationships with people, cares for the church family and for newcomers, hosts events which develop community, leads and organizes outreach efforts, and promotes and markets Asbury activities both internally and externally.


Pastor Staff Parish Relations Committee (PSPRC)

Chairs: Jean Gianfagna and Wayne Morris

Promotes positive relationships for the church staff by developing goals, ensuring staff accountability, performing hiring, retention, and compensation. Serves as the congregational liaison for the pastor.


Chairperson: Kerry Roberge

The purpose of the Missions Committee is to create and facilitate opportunities to help people in our local, state, national, and worldwide communities. To that end, we support many organizations with our gifts, our time, and our prayers.

Worship Committee

Chairperson: Krista Juczak 

Ensures vibrant worship opportunities for worship celebrations that focus on God and helps people of all ages grow in their understanding of their faith in God and the gospels to become more faithful disciples.

Sunday School

Leader: Michelle Rudd

Promotes educational and developmental studies for appropriate ages and interests. Is an enabler of the Vacation Bible School, kid-friendly activities, and occasional fundraisers.


Head Usher: Orie Phillips 

Ushers for all services, special events, and holiday services for Asbury. Ushers greet, assist, and meet the worshippers’ needs. They provide bulletins, help with seating, collect the tithes/offerings, provide security, and liaison to the Church Nursery.

Lay Servants

Lay Leader: 

Conducts Chapel services and other services in conjunction with and support of the pastor. Represents Christian discipleship and faith in fulfilling the mission and vision of Asbury.