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Music of all styles are welcome and appreciated at Asbury because music provides joy, fills our souls with the Spirit, and lifts our hearts.
We have choirs and handbell ringing for both children and adults as well as a praise band, instrumental ensembles, and soloists. If you’re musical, we guarantee there’s something for you here! Please continue scrolling to answer all your questions about practice schedules and points of contact.

Enjoy singing? Consider singing with Asbury’s Chancel Choir. We are a group of people who love to sing and praise God through our voices. We sing during the 10:15 A.M. Sanctuary Service (Sept.-June). 7th grade and older are welcome to join the choir.
Rehearsal Time: Choir practice is every Sunday at 9:30 A.M. in the downstairs Choir Room. Come join us! (Sept. – June)
Contact: Catherine Mowers: 315-778-5315 or [email protected]

Children’s Music
Making joyful noises unto the Lord is where it is at! Music is often incorporated into our Children/Youth programming.
Contact: Michelle Rudd, Director: 315-777-6174

Asbury Hand Bell Choirs
Asbury UMC has 2 adult handbell choirs. Keep scrolling to see what’s also available for children!
Asbury Ringers is an advanced handbell group and plays about once a month during the Sunday Sanctuary Service.
Rehearsal Schedule: Mondays at 6:15 P.M. (in the Sanctuary) with Bob Muntz. (Sept. – June)
Contact: Bob Muntz: 315-642-0319
Agape Ringers is a beginning to intermediate adult handbell choir, which also plays about once a month. Occasionally, the group will play at nursing homes, the Urban Mission, or other community locations.
Rehearsal Time: Thursdays at 6:15 p.m. (in the Sanctuary) with Lynn Morgan (Sept. – June)
Contact: Lynn Morgan: 315-493-2637 or [email protected]

Children’s Handbell & Chime Choirs
Asbury offers kids both wonderful learning and team experience with Handbells and Chimes.
Junior Ringers is a handbell choir for children in 3rd grade and older.
Rehearsal Time: Wednesdays at 4:00 P.M. in the Sanctuary (Sept. – June)
Children’s Chime Choir is for children in Kindergarten thru 2nd grade.
Rehearsal Time: Sundays after Worship and after Children’s Choir, approximately 11:45 – 12:15 A.M. in the Chapel.
Contact: Lynn Morgan: 315-493-2637 or [email protected]

Praise Band (Wind Instruments)
We welcome new members to join the Praise Band. We open the main Sunday Service once a month with a wide variety of music that lifts praises to the Lord by making a joyful noise with wind instruments and piano (keyboard).
If you have 2 or more years of playing experience with an instrument, come join us!
Rehearsal Time: Thursdays at 5:30 P.M. (in choir room) (Sept. – June)
Contact: Catherine Mowers: 315-778-5315 or [email protected]

Special Music
Soloists & Small Groups
If you are a soloist, singer, or an instrumentalist, Asbury Church is probably the perfect place for you! Soloists and small groups often provide special pieces as part of the diverse and talented musical ministry of Asbury UM Church. Teens are also encouraged to sing or play an instrument for Sunday Services.
Contact: Catherine Mowers: 315-778-5315 or [email protected]