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What we do for and with the kids is one of the most important things we do as a church.
Our guidance begins at childhood and shines brightly as our children and youth grow. Asbury United Methodist Church takes an active role in the lives of our children and youth, just as the lives of our children should take an active role in the church. It’s all about helping them build strong relationships with God and with one another.

Sharing With the Young Disciples
Children are included every Sunday within the Worship Service. “Sharing With the Young Disciples” is an important part of every service. It’s fun to see and laugh with every amazing child. Their joy and their eagerness to learn is a contagious blessing.

Children’s Music
Making joyful noises unto the Lord is where it is at! Music is often incorporated into our Children/Youth programming.
Contact Michelle Rudd, Director: 315-777-6174

The acolyte, a child approximately 6-12 years old, lights the candles at the beginning of the Sanctuary Service and puts out the candles at the end of the service. Children are trained to participate in acolyte duties. Children learn that the light is carried into the worship service as a symbol of Jesus coming into the presence of our worshipping community. At the end, the light is carried out into the world to show that Jesus Christ is for all people everywhere.
Contacts: Shepherdess
Pam Quimby: [email protected] or 315-767-7105
Bonnie Peck: [email protected] or 315-788-4499

Nursery Care
Our certified nursery staff engages with your children in a safe and age-appropriate way. We will play with them, feed them, read to them, and change them if needed.
When you come on Sunday morning, the nursery is located in the Sunday School room. An usher will be happy to show you the way. You will sign in and quickly complete paperwork.
The nursery is open and ready for you starting at 9:30 am.
In the Summer, nursery care is for infants – Age 5.

Sunday School
Sunday School typically runs from September thru June with no classes the first Sunday of each month, as these Sundays are reserved for family worship and to partake in Communion. Also, typically there are no classes on school break weeks i.e. Christmas/New Year’s, Easter, etc. Classes are held downstairs in Wesley Hall. Classes start around 10:30 A.M. – following the “Sharing With the Young Disciples” part of the Sanctuary Service. For the 2024-2025 school year, Asbury will offer an age 3 to grade 3 class. The focus is to teach Bible stories and to instill that Jesus and God loves them. Classes often include crafts and games. For older children/youth there will be opportunities to participate as youth class helpers, participate in the worship service, as well as participating in special programing i.e. Christmas Pageant, Children/Youth Sunday, etc.
Contact: Michelle Rudd: 315-777-6174

Youth Group
For our tweens and teens, on October 20th at 4 PM we will be hosting an inaugural meeting to join with Trinity Episcopal Church and First Methodist tweens and teens for a combined youth ministry. We will gain input from the youth on things they would like to do, with a focus on continued growth in their own personal faith and building relationships with one another as well as with their church community and the greater community as well.
Contact: Pastor Michael Terrell: 315-782-3240

Summer Camping
This past summer, four youth attended Camp Aldersgate in the Horse Camp Jr. program. They were so excited, since this was the first time that younger campers were allowed to select this program. Even though the weather was wet, they had a wonderful time with their horses….grooming, mucking, feeding, and riding. It was great to have a group of youth once again attend camp! Thank you to the support of the congregation and the community for making this experience possible.
Contact: Lynn Morgan: 315-493-2637

Garden at Zoo New York!
Asbury’s Youth Group Garden at Zoo New York in Thompson Park!
Did you know our Asbury Youth have sponsored a garden near the Butterfly House at Zoo New York?! A group weeded the land, tilled it, bought plants for it, planted them, mulched it, and will maintain it every week.
We planted all pollinator plants such as milkweed, salvia, hardy hibiscus, bee balm, and more! Special thanks to Watertown Garden Center for their generous donation.
Visit Zoo New York: zoonewyork.org and check it out and join the pack!

Safe Sanctuaries
Asbury follows Safe Sanctuaries. Please refer to the attached Safe Sanctuaries document: Safe Sanctuaries Booklet