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Stewardship Sunday is Sunday, October 29th, all pledge cards are due on this date.

Make sure to grab a 2024 Stewardship Pledge Card while you are at church or print one out by clicking on the link below. You can return your completed pledge card by placing it in the offering plate on Sunday or by mailing it or bringing it to the church office.


Don’t forget to join us every Sunday in October during the main worship service to hear the “Stewardship Moment” from our different committee chairpersons as they explain what Stewardship means to their committee! 

October 1st: Christian Connections Committee – Membership Contacting 
October 8th: Mission Committee – Involvement in Our Area
October 15th: Trustees Committee – Repairs Inside and Out 
October 22nd: PSPRC (Pastor Staff Parish Relations Committee) – Working With Our Staff
October 29th: Finance Committee – Collecting All Pledge Sheets


Click here to download and print: 2024 Asbury Stewardship Pledge Card

Your generosity helps us continue our mission and serve our community.